What is a Voice Coil?

The latest entry in the Magnet-Schultz of America Solenoid 101 blog explains the basic concept and function of voice coils. This blog builds on our general overview of solenoid principles and applications, which can be found HERE. Check our blog history for information on more technical concepts and feel free to make suggestions for future

Linear Motor Series, Part Two: Design & Manufacturing Techniques

LINEAR MOTOR SERIES: PART TWO Magnet-Schultz of America (MSA) reveals the design and manufacturing techniques, performance, and functional characteristics of a Linear Motor. Edited by David Stockwell; Technical information provided by Dr. Jonathan Gamble & Kevin Code DESIGN & MANUFACTURING TECHNIQUES 1. External Appearance: The Linear Motor (LM) assembly looks just like a conventional

Linear Motor: A Single Coil, Bi-Directional, Electrohydraulic Valve Actuator

PART ONE: LINEAR MOTOR THREE PART SERIES Magnet-Schultz of America (MSA) reviews the concept, genesis of development, background and physical characteristics of a Linear Motor. Edited by David Stockwell; Technical information provided by Dr. Jonathan Gamble & Kevin Code INTRODUCTION In the “old days,” hydraulic valves were manually operated. In the hands of highly skilled

Electromechanical Voice Coil Solenoids and Actuators

Magnet-Schultz of America (MSA) defines and clarifies key characteristics, working functionality and benefits of Voice Coil linear actuators (also known as Lorentz Force Actuators). OVERVIEW A Voice Coil is a type of solenoid linear actuator within which an electrical coil and a permanent magnet interact to create high speed, precisely controlled linear motion. The

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