Effects of Side Load on a Solenoid

Welcome back to the MSA blog!  In this post, we will take a look at how side load can affect solenoids. Magnet-Schultz’s Program Management Checklist allows us to play cards up with our customers at the start of each new project so that our Program Management, Design, Manufacturing Engineering, and Operations/Production teams can fully

Temperature Impacts on Solenoids – Part 2

Temperature Impacts on Solenoids - Part 2 In our last blog, we learned about the different ways temperature impacts the design of a solenoid and the importance of understanding requirements up front to ensure our customers have success and achieve optimal performance within the dimensional and technical requirements of their applications.  Solenoids do work.

Temperature Impacts on Solenoids – Part 1

Temperature Impacts on Solenoids - Part 1 Have you ever experienced the frustration of trying to use an overheated cell phone?  Perhaps it wasn’t your cell phone, but rather an overheated car engine that delayed your morning commute to the office.  Though these items may not have completely stopped working altogether, your ability to

MSA’s COVID-19 Response & Updates

MSA's COVID-19 Response & Updates The outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic has disrupted and changed life as we know it.  Although we continue to hope for the best, it’s evident that new protocols and safety measures must be put into effect for the health and safety of our team members, our families,

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